The 'Bikes Welcome' label

To guide you in choosing your accommodation and activities, Wallonia has introduced the Bienvenue Vélo label. All you have to do is look for the 'Bienvenue Vélo' label. It tells you that the accommodation welcomes cycle tourists and provides facilities and services suited to their needs: cycle room, bicycle parking and bicycle pump, mountain-biking maps, first-aid kit, cleaning system, socket for recharging electric bikes, etc.
Addresses offering these services:
- Magasin Ferme Lamberty in Petit Thier
- La Gare aux petits déjeuner to the station of Vielsalm
- La microbrasserie La Tharée in Provedroux

Discover accommodations with the 'Bienvenu vélo' label:

Les Neufs Prés
Avenue de la Résistance 31
Total number of locations : 136
Number of seasonal pitches : 0
Number of seasonal pitches : 0