La Maison du Pays de Salm

This is not just a museum but a spectacular visit ; The "Maison du Pays de Salm" offers you the possibility to discover the area of the Salmvalley, its history, and geography.
Let me take you through our underground tunnels to meet the men and women who worked our rocks. you can learn, be given a fright, and end the visit with a song! Duration of the tour: 1 hour.
Visit only in french, dutch or german but visual material for English-speaking visitors
Minimum number of people (Group) : 10
Maximum number of people (Group) : 60
Spoken languages : Allemand Français Néerlandais
Accessibility :
Personnes en fauteuil roulant
Personnes aveugles
Personnes malvoyantes
Personnes sourdes
Personnes malentendantes
Personnes avec difficulté de compréhension
Equipment :